Below is a list of our recent talks. Math talks are typically held fortnightly in building 67-442. For select talks, slides will be made available below.
13/09/2023 - Maths Talks Week Eight (Sem Two)
30/08/2023 - Maths Talks Week Six (Sem Two)
16/08/2023 - Maths Talks Week Four (Sem Two)
02/08/2023 - Maths Talks Week Two (Sem Two)
26/04/2023 - Maths Talks Week Nine (Sem One)
22/03/2023 - Maths Talks Week Five (Sem One)
- How to use Desmos as a Programming Language with Tobey Blomfield
- Everyone is wrong about Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems with Mitchell Ryan
08/03/2023 - Maths Talks Week Three (Sem One)
27/10/2023 - Maths Talks Week Thirteen (Sem Two)
20/10/2023 - Maths Talks Week Twelve (Sem Two)
- Spiking Neurons and Stable Nodes: The Reliability of ODEs with Applications to Neuron Firing with Tappy Alister
- Dynamic Programming in the NFL with Matthew Bungate
18/08/2023 - Maths Talks Week Four (Sem Two)
- Groups and Shadows with Bailey Whitbread
- How to Integrate over a Fractal with Gabriel Field
12/05/2023 - Maths Talks Week Twelve (Sem One)
12/05/2023 - Maths Talks Week Eleven (Sem One)
28/04/2023 - Maths Talks Week Nine (Sem One)
24/03/2023 - Maths Talks Week Five (Sem One)
03/03/2023 - Maths Talks Week Two (Sem One)
21/10/2022 - Math Talks Week Twelve (Sem Two)
- ODEs and Integrable Models with Non Teerarat
- Prevalence of Lyapunov Spectrum Stability for Finite Blaschke Product Cocycles with Joshua Peters
14/10/2022 - Math Talks Week Eleven (Sem Two)
16/09/2022 - Math Talks Week Eight (Sem Two)
02/09/2022 - Math Talks (with AIML) Week Six (Sem Two)
- Why Play Nice? Evolutionary Game Theory for Modelling Human Interactions with Daniel Gray
- Statistical Inference on Random Networks with Joydip Choudhury
26/08/2022 - Math Talks Week Five (Sem Two)
05/08/2022 - Math Talks Week Two (Sem Two)
20/05/2022 - Math and CS Talks Week Eleven (Sem One)
- Writing Code Without Writing Code with Thomas Malcolm
- Paving Paradise More Efficiently - Designing Parking Lots with IP with Mitch Harris
06/05/2022 - Math Talks Week Nine (Sem One)
01/04/2022 - Math Talks (with AIML) Week Five (Sem One)
- An Introduction to Gaussian Processes - A Machine Learning Approach to Time Series Prediction with Michael CC
- Supervised Learning without Supervision for Cyber-Attack Detection with Jonathan Wilton
18/03/2022 - Math Talks Week Three (Sem One)
- Modular Melodies, Ridiculous Rhythms, and Chaotic Compositions with Rhauidi Burke
- Feeling risky? A risk analysis of Risk with Montana Wickens
04/03/2022 - Math Talks Week Two (Sem One)
- Wendel's Theorem: When Does a Shape Contain the Origin with Adam Thompson
- How to Schedule Things, or Just how to Schedule with Liam Timms
22/10/2021 - Math and CS Talks Week Twelve (Sem Two)
17/09/2021 - Math and CS Talks Week Eight (Sem Two)
03/09/2021 - Math and CS Talks Week Six (Sem Two)
14/05/2021 - Math and CS Talks Week Eleven (Sem One)
- Maths by Machine - Formal Proof and Technology and Combinatorial Challenges with Chelsea Edmonds
- 0x5f3759df // evil floating point bit level hacking with Bradley Stone
30/04/2021 - Math Talks Week Nine (Sem One)
- Why? Just Cause — Causal Reasoning and Its Applications to Machine Learning with Kyle Young
- Normal Surface Theory with David Hilder
26/03/2021 - Math Talks Week Five (Sem One)
- Convex Hulls of Graphs of Multi-linear Functions with Mitchell Harris
- All Tied Up: From Strings to Knots with Rhuaidi Burke
05/03/20201 - Maths Talks Week Two (Sem One)